1/1 페이지 열람 중
Go to the Dying Light directory Open "steam_settings" folder Open the "supported_languages.txt" and copy the language you want, "brazilian" in my case Open the "force_language.txt" and paste it inside, save the txt and restart the game.
Naming and organizing your Movie files The scanners and metadata agents used by Plex will work best when your major types of content are separated from each other. Westronglyrecommend separating movie and television content into separate main directories. For instance, you might use something like …
1. 도커에서benbusby/whoogle-search 찾아서 설치 2. 일반 설정에서 '자동 재시작 활성화' 체크 3. 포트 설정 4. http:// IP 주소 : 포트 번호 http://Synology-ip-address:포트 번호/search?q=%s version: "3" services: whoogle: image: benbusby/whoogle-search:latest container_name: whoogle ports: - 포트 번호:5000 restart…